Forest Hills Country Club Stream Restoration

Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
Forest Hills Country Club
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Prior to construction, the portion of Shotwell Creek and an associated tributary onsite at the Forest Hills Country
Club was severely incised, and the erosion risked damage to critical infrastructure on the golf course. DJM acted as the design-build contractor on this project, working with designer Dave Derrick, one of the nation’s premier potamologists, to improve and stabilize approximately 1 mile of the stream’s length. DJM self-performed all construction and restoration work on the project, including earth moving, construction of engineered rock riffles and pools which created a more naturalized flow pattern for the stream, and rock revetment with native plantings on the streambanks for stabilization. The project was completed on time and under budget in spite of significant additions to the original scope of work.

Construction Figures (2022-2023):
― Removal and disposal and/or modification of existing gabion baskets
― Tree and stump removals with disposal offsite
― 3000 cubic yards of soil moved
― Approximately 13,000 tons of rock (24-36” size) added to the stream in the form of in-stream riffles, longitudinal peaked stone toe protection, living dikes, and bank stabilizing revetment stone
― 3,407 live stakes, 6’ HT
― 5 acres of restoration with erosion control blanket and native seed
― All scopes performed in compliance with a USACE 404-permit